Weekly Nerd

Every week for the duration of the Web Design & Development minor, a guest from the workforce will give a guest lecture in the late Wednesday afternoon. These lectures cover a variety of subjects that can be (and usually are) of importance to 'rookie programmers' such as myself. In order to not lose the important knowledge I gain during these guest lectures, I've set up this Weekly Nerd blog - the very reason this site, in its entirety, exists. Let's discover the many interesting lessons learned during this semester at AUAS!

Do you wonder how the blogs' filter classification works before you explore? If yes, skip to the classification, explained.

All blogs

Packed, summarized and sorted in one place for your convenience.



The classification system, explained

How I classify blogs to allow for a logical filter-system.



The tags describe which subjects are covered in a lecture and what features might assist the points being made. For example, a lecture might've been about accessibility and the lecturer could have brought several examples with them, of which I've added the code to the blog. That lecture's blog will probably be tagged with "Code Samples" and "Accessibility".


Likeliness to use in the future

The Likeliness to Use in the Future classification describes if and how I see myself use the things discussed during this lecture in the future. Some lectures describe brand-new features coming to HTML and CSS soon or cover important accessibility practices, while other lectures might cover practical skills I personally am not very interested in.


Impact on (current) projects

All of the Weekly Nerds take place during my minor Web Design & Development, which means that I have classes and assigments happening parallel to the lectures. The Impact on Current Projects filter shows how much impact the lectures have on the assignments I'm working on at the time.


Inspiration Level

The Inspiration Level classification is all about my eagerness. How much has a lecture inspired me, to the point where I am eager to try something new? How much has a talk excited me or relit my 'spark' for all things web and coding?